As per the Christian church‘s point of view, Jesus was crucified and killed in Judea around the first century, probably in AD 30 or ad 33.
Jesus’s message of hope and eternal life spread throughout Judaea, the Roman Empire, and eventually the entire world because of his brief existence and merciless demise.
Because it was how the Roman government usually conducted public executions of non-Romans, Jesus was crucified and “nailed to a cross to die.”
Early in the third century AD, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem for the Jewish holiday of Passover. The temple provided services so that the tens of thousands of pilgrims from around the world, could buy animals for sacrifice or exchange their foreign currencies.
According to the church of Christian‘s perspective Jesus was incensed. He thought that this sort of trading polluted the sacred place. He destroyed the moneylender’s stalls. According to the Gospel of St. John, and drove them all out of the temple.
This outburst infuriated religious leaders and endangered the tenuous calm that Rome had achieved. Jesus christ’s crucifix was a traditional method of punishment for criminals who had been found guilty. After being captured on a charge of treason. Romans viewed Jesus as a troublemaker who had received his due.
It was not unexpected that Jesus would be put to death in this manner because he was a non-Roman who caused great civic turmoil in Jerusalem and whose leaders expressly requested that the Roman authorities execute him.
However, he was a martyr to the Christian church, and it soon became clear that the slaughter had made Judaea even more unstable. The crucifixion’s orderer, Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea, was sent home in disgrace. By killing Jesus, the Romans established a brand-new religion. Which quickly spread across Rome and the rest of the world.