We’ve all been there we supplicate to God and in silence that greets us, wonder did He indeed hear us? Will He reply to our prayer?
Then are two slices of pleasing news. God hears all of your prayers! God will answer all of your prayers! And yet, there’s a catch. God isn’t a genie in a bottle who grants wishes. God’s answer to your prayers might be one of three effects yes, no, or stay. That means we might not always like the answer that God gives us.
God has promised that when we ask for effects that are in agreement with His will for our lives, He’ll give us what we ask for( 1 John 514 – 15). That also means, that if we supplicate for a commodity that isn’t God’s will for us, He’s doubtful to give us what we want. The verity is that God’s wisdom far exceeds our own, and so we need to learn how to trust God and that His answers to our prayers have a purpose.
Then’s a beautiful illustration of God saying ” yes ” to sincere prayer. In the Bible( 1 Samuel), we see a woman named Hannah ” pouring out her soul ” to God and asking Him to give her a baby. Hannah had been unfit to conceive, and in biblical times, this was considered a mark of shame for a woman. Hannah supplicated so fervently for a baby that a clerk who saw her soliciting actually allowed she was drunk! But God heard Hannah, and He blessed her with a child.
still, it’s beautiful to know that it’s His will! Flashback to thank God when this happens, If you have supplicated specifically for a commodity and God has granted it to you. Express your gratefulness and phenomenon at the gift you’ve been given.
occasionally the answer to your prayer is ” no, ” and that’s one of the hardest answers we can admit. It’s important to know that God sees the ” big picture, ” and we don’t. The challenge is we frequently don’t incontinently understand why God would say no to us. There’s a story in the Bible( John 11) where two sisters Mary and Martha wanted Jesus to heal their dying family, yet Jesus allowed Lazarus to die. Why? Because He’d lesser effects planned for Lazarus, which Mary and Martha couldn’t conceivably have imagined. God’s will was different.
Why differently would God tell us no? Well, if your motives are each wrong. If what you want is selfish or it’s to harm someone differently. Or, conceivably it’s a reflection of how you’re living your life. In the Bible( Isaiah 59 1- 2) we learn that our unethical geste can beget God to turn down from us. It’s not that He doesn’t hear you, but He’s choosing not to hear.
So, when God tells you ” no, ” it’s important to consider why that might be. Examine yourself, your motives, and your geste. Ask if what you want would align with God’s will.
And also there’s the answer from God that tells us ” not yet ” or ” to stay. ” occasionally this feels indeed harder to admit than ” no, ” because it means we’ve to be patient( Romans 825)! The blessing that comes with waiting is that God’s timing will be perfect. The verity is that God wants stylish for your life. He’s on your side! So, as you’re wavering between faith, desirousness, and disappointment( everyone does!), a flashback that it’s a good thing God is in control. Giving you what you want at this moment might just beget you heartbreak and frustration. Giving you what you want at the perfect time is truly an answered prayer.
And if you’re wondering how to bring your prayer to God as in how to approach him, read Philippians 46- 8 where we learn to approach God with a spirit of thanksgiving. Not only will He hear our prayers, but He’ll grant us His peace and protection as we await His answer!
So keep soliciting. Keep talking to God. Be confident that He hears you. He sees you. He’ll answer you, and when He does be prepared to accept His wisdom, indeed if you don’t love His answer.