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Today trends and beliefs improve Christian personal well-being. To understand and examine modern Christian life in detail to whether we can uncover the bible in underlying causes to improve wellbeing.
Let’s discuss the approach of Christianity by using Acts 2:42-47 as a basis. These spirited verses explain the activities implicated in the Christian lifestyle within the early church. These descriptions are replicated throughout the Epistles and so are important to us today. We call them the ‘5 instruments to maturity and can be reworded conveniently as prayer, fellowship/community, outreach, Bible study, and praise. Today’s overview is Bible study.
We need to understand the Bible! and think about why can we just not remember the most significant verses and obey the style of Christianity we understood with our study group or Sunday school and live a healthy Christian social life. Social Christianity obtains some useful things for us and for our culture. Let’s examine what the Bible says.
The Bible is a definitive reference as it arrives from God via the Holy Spirit by way of the apostles (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, 3:16).
We are meant to understand God’s remark (Ephesians 1:15). There are several bases for this:
- It is a regime (Colossians 1:9)
- We cannot brook fruit or learn what to do without rather knowing and comprehending the Bible (Colossians 1:10). Hence, to serve as a Christian, like anything in life, we need to obey the manual.
- When we know the manual and learn what to do, then the method takes much fruit in our lives. We have more useful well-being from a secure affinity with God. As per research, those who have more knowledge have better well-being and less guilt than those who don’t!
It takes a little work and time, but the blessings are huge. We can have the joy of:
- Bearing fruit in our lives such as joy and peace, among other things (Galatians 5:22).
- Seeing God work in the lives of others through us (Colossians 1:10).
- Proving His Word and getting to know Him better (Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 1:10).
- Loving others in a more accurate and practical way (Philippians 1:9, 1 John 5:1-3).
- Judging (i.e., assessing) what is good and bad in situations and people very quickly (Hebrews 5:14), thus avoiding life’s difficult situations.
- Because we no longer have to rely on our emotions, our lives become more stable and predictable (Hebrews 5:9-14). The Bible does not state that we have an emotional religion, and it actually warns against it (Ephesians 4:12-16, James 1:5-8).
‘But isn’t listening to my pastor’s great sermons and watching an effective video enough?’ you may ask. As beneficial as these learning experiences may be, we must study the Bible in depth in order to fully comprehend and reap its benefits.
So, how do we study the Bible effectively? There are numerous Bible study resources available on Amazon.com or online that may be useful. Make certain that they are Bible-based and Christian-based. Additionally, someone in your church may be able to assist you.
You can begin with the following fundamental steps:
- Download e-Sword, a web-based Bible study tool. It’s free and full of exciting resources to help you understand the Bible (e-Sword: Free Bible Study for the PC).
- Begin with a powerful epistle like Ephesians or Colossians, which will provide you with essential information about Christ and our Christian life in a concise manner.
- Take it easy! Take your time and stick to these four fundamental studies.
- Observation – Inquire about the verse.
- Interpretation – Use e-Sword resources to find answers to your questions.
- Application – How should the first change your life specifically?
- Integration – What other verses support your interpretation so that you can confidently build on what you know about the topic discussed in the verse (for example, salvation, the Spirit, etc.)?